Sunday, May 2, 2010

Post Number One: Birthday Weekend

Welcome to the new blog! I apologise because this first post will be a long one!

Nicolai turned 23 this weekend and we had such a fun weekend! Before he woke up on Saturday morning (his Bday morning) I went to the shops to buy goodies for the evening. I stocked up on chips and dip, decorations and picked up his bday card. When i got home I decorated the apartment a little to surprise him when he woke up!

He woke up and got his present (Guitar Hero 5) and then I made his breakfast request... crepes and juice...

We enjoyed the meal while watching an episode of Friends. Friends is our show of the moment, we watch it whenever we sit down to eat and usually before bed. We have finished 3 out of 10 seasons.

We then spent the afternoon cleaning and getting ready for our friends to come over (Well I cleaned). Nicolai instead went across the road and got a case of beer where he snapped this pretty picture of the sunset on his phone:
(You can click on any of the photos to enlarge! Just remember to come back and read the blog).

Mum stopped by to drop off birthday presents for Nic and then Kuda arrived so the boys started playing Guitar Hero...

The night progressed, a couple more people came by and we did the cake! A vegan caramel mud cake I mad click HERE to see more about it.

Also, check out the video below of us singing Happy Birthday. It was funny because I accidently bought Magic Candles which we all knew about so we had some fun with it!

Overall it was a great weekend and Nicolai had a wonderful birthday! My turn next!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! That is so funny that you're reading my blog. Google translate is not that great though... It only translates word by word so everything sounds really strange and sometimes you miss the point. And I don't have the last 3 letters of the Swedish alphabet when I write so sometimes words can't even be translated or the translate into the wrong word... and sometimes I have a tendency to make up my own words...

    Where do you live now?
